RDCL General Assembly 2024
RDCL General Assembly 2024
June 25, 2024
RDCL held its Ordinary General Assembly at ESA BUSINESS SCHOOL, bringing together members and key stakeholders to discuss and reflect on the Association’s projects and future initiatives.
The Assembly began with opening remarks by RDCL President Nicolas Boukather and ESA Director Maxence DUAULT. Mrs. Joumana Saddi Chaya and Mr. Nadim Daher followed with detailed reports on RDCL’s activities and financial performance in 2023 and the budget for 2024, offering valuable insights into RDCL achievements and financial standing. Mr. Samer Doumani then presented the auditor’s report, leading to the approval of the annual accounts.
The General Assembly was followed by an engaging discussion, moderated by Mr. Nicolas Boukather with His Excellency Dr. Wassim Mansouri, Acting Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) and Mr. Frederico Lima, IMF Resident Representative to Lebanon. The discussion provided a platform for meaningful dialogue on the challenges and future of Lebanon’s economy.
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