June 25, 2022

USAID Lebanon’s tifleb has signed an MoU with the Lebanese Business Leaders Association – rdcliban that aims at providing technical support on formulating national level policies to recreate a new competitive, ethical, liberal, and responsible economic model in lebanon.

TIF and RDCL will work on developing policy briefs, policy papers, policy agenda and white paper on selected topics such as #trade agreements, energy, food safety and security, and tourism and culture, among others.

Both parties also agreed to extend TIF support to RDCL members through facilitating access to finance and transaction advisory, supporting their enrollment in the Lebanon Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Stewardship Program, and providing a detailed energy audit leading to recommendations and trainings on cost-saving operational practices.

The MoU was signed by TIF Chief of Party Mark Rostal and RDCL President Nicolas Boukather, in the presence of Lead Technical Advisor Sami Nader who will be leading on this partnership, RDCL General Manager Kamal Abi-Fadel, and Board members Joumana Dammous Salamé, Farid Homsi, Fadi Sawaya, and Robert Kanaan.

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