The entrepreneurs who thrive in the face of adversity are a different breed from those who flourish when resources are unlimited. The negative consequences of the complex Lebanese crisis will most likely continue to affect us for the foreseeable future. Still, we embrace this time of crisis to transform positively Lebanon’s economy through innovation.
“Together let’s find the light at the end of the tunnel through innovation and lead by example”
The Innovation Space at the Lebanon Pavilion brings together innovative organizations which share the will to put people, the environment and the nation at the center of our new economy. This space facilitates the development and reinforcement of strategic alliances and actions nationally and internationally.
As a space for interaction, Dubai Expo 2020 offers Lebanese entrepreneurs, start-ups, SME’s, and family businesses the opportunity to showcase the best Lebanon has to offer in terms of innovation. Innovation workspace is an online and offline integrated-platform powered by antwork at the Lebanon Pavilion in Expo2020 and Beirut simultaneously to allow Lebanon-based private sector businesses to participate and be present at the event, during the period of the Expo virtually, and FREE* of charge.

As an incubation venture, the alliance RDCL-Antwork to strengthen national endeavors and create international links in support of the local players who answer the following criteria:
• Registered Lebanese Company
• From the Private Sector
• Sustainable business model
• Innovative
• Expandable
• Job seeking and matchmaking
• Contributors to the growth of the Lebanese all-inclusive ecosystem and economy in general.
This is a mandatory requirement to get selected:
A 1-Minute high-resolution video or visual presentation material showcasing your innovation!
Interested applicants that want to be represented at the Lebanon Pavilion, whether they fully want to be present and participate at the Dubai Expo 2020 in person, or cannot attend, but wish to showcase their company’s profile at the Lebanon Pavilion, or are kindly requested to fill the below form.