Opportunities for Public and Private Partnerships in Lebanon

Opportunities for Public and Private Partnerships in Lebanon

January 29, 2022

RDCL organized a roundtable addressing “Opportunities for Public and Private Partnerships in Lebanon”, with the support of USAID’s Trade and Investment Facilitation project (TIF) project.
The event took place on Friday January 26 at RDCL headquarters in Beirut, and was attended by numerous members of the association, as well as experts and consultants in project finance, legal, and economic fields.

Mr. Nicolas Boukather, President of RDCL, initiated the discussion by highlighting the importance of enacting the law of PPP legislated in 2017 as an effective tool to attract foreign direct investment to Lebanon. However noted that restructuring of the financial system, and issuing the implementation decreases for the PPP law are both urgent prerequisites.

Mr. Ziad-Alexandre Hayek, former Secretary General of the 🇱🇧 Higher Council for Privatization, and current president of President of the World Association of PPP Units & Professionals explained the challenges facing the implementation of the PPP law, the benefits of such models, and the possibility of facilitating access to PPP model to municipalities by standardizing the approach and facilating the process. He noted the need for a visionary leadership, good understanding, awareness sessions and political support in Lebanon for successful implementation of the PPP model.

Dr. Jean Ellieh, Director General of General Procurement Authority, detailed measures necessary for successful PPP implementation. He stressed the need for independent regulatory bodies ensuring competition among competent private companies for optimal project outcomes and benefits.

Both Dr. Ellieh and Mr. Hayek highlighted the necessity to limit political influence on decision-making, acknowledging poor governance in Lebanon and the absence of a practical party with complete authority.

Dr. Sami Nader, Lead Technical Expert at RDCL, moderated the discussion where participants shared insights and opinions, emphasizing the crucial need to promote private and public sector partnerships.

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