General Assembly 2023 and Election of New Board Members
May 24, 2023
The general assembly of RDCL was held on May 5 at ESA BUSINESS SCHOOL The purpose of this assembly was to approve the accounts of 2022, as well as to present the main past & future projects, and to elect 6 new members of the BOD, replacing the members whose terms had expired.
Leading by example, RDCL seizes this occasion to stress the crucial importance of holding elections on time in a democracy. Elections constitute the cornerstone of a functioning democratic system, allowing voters to exercise their rights, choose their representatives, and hold them accountable.
With a quorum of 89% the accounts of the association were approved, and 6 new members of the board of directors, achieving gender parity. Were elected, Christelle Boustany appointed as membership officer, Joumana Saddi Chaya appointed outreach officer Dalia Jubaili as well as Cyrille Arida appointed as vice president, Nadim Daher appointed as treasurer, Jean TAWILE
appointed as secretary-general of the gathering. The new elected members join Nicolas Boukather president Farid Homsi Fateh Bekdache Hadia Minkara Safieddine Joumana Dammous Salamé & Roula Gharios Zahar
Maxence Duault director general of ESA praised the relentless efforts of Lebanese business leaders association despite all the difficulties and crises that Lebanon is facing, to continue their activities and help the country overcome its challenges.
Nicolas Boukather, president of RDCL, expressed his gratitude to the 6 outgoing members for their work and efforts in helping develop RDCL and accomplish its mission, considering that everything RDCL has achieved so far is the result of the collective work of the board members, with the help of other members of the association. Furthermore, Boukather hoped that the criteria followed by the legal, active, transparent, and digitalized private sector become a model to follow in the public sector
Mr. Khalil Dinguinzli, Lebanon Director of EBRD mentioned the numerous activities carried out in various sectors, with the aim of helping Lebanon obtain financing again and regain its economic health. He urged the present members not to waste time or hope, and to continue their efforts and work for the country’s recovery and advocacy to implement an #IMF deal to unlock the potential of the private sector and allow affordable financing.
Regarding the achievements of the association in 2022, the outgoing secretary-general, Fadi Sawaya, presented a report highlighting the activities and partnerships of RDCL during the past year. The financial report was presented by the treasurer, Nadim Daher, and was approved by the auditors and the members.
RDCL used an electronic voting process for its elections for the first time since its foundation. In this regard, a special software was developed in collaboration with the “Children Cancer Center,” with the active support of survivors who helped organize the elections.
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