International timing system

March 30, 2023

The private sector operates on the international timing system, which connects it technically, financially, and operationally with the world.

The recent abrupt and unjustified decision to postpone daylight saving time for lebanon cannot be followed, as it would create chaos and confusion especially at the airport with international flights, in addition to internet servers, computers, swift and banking systems and much more. This would lead to high financial and operational risks, which the private sector cannot accept without proper justification. Such decisions would need to be debated and prepared in advance as to mitigate all the potential risks.

We must stop isolating Lebanon from the world, its own laws and regulations, and global best practice.

We have decided to adhere to international standards, and to stick to the daylight saving time switch on time with international partners as of tonight.

Moreover, daylight saving times has multiple benefits in terms of energy consumption (which lebanon is in dire need of), and other countless environmental and social benefits.

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